srijeda, 24. listopada 2012.

Jesenja slikovnica uz jedan zen trenutak....brazilski kolac od kukuruza* Autumn in pictures, one zen moment and brazilian corn cake


Postoji nesto nestvarno u jesenjim predvecerjima, petkom, negde oko pet popodne. U ono doba kada sunce polako zamace za vrh planine, a u zraku treperi lagana izmaglica.... Na dalekom sjeveru pristavlja se voda za caj, unose u kucu teske cjepanice i priprema kamin. U kutu upaljena svjetiljka iz proslog stoljeca, na stolici nehajno odbacen prekrivac sa skotskim uzorkom.
There is something surreal in autumn eve, especially on Fridays, somewhere around five in the afternoon. Sun is slowly moving out of sigh on the top of a mountain and in the air - mist is dancing.... In the far north, people are puting water for tea, bringing into the house heavy logs for fireplace. In the corner lamp bought in the last century, on a chair a blanket with scottish pattern .


Kroz prozor gotovo narnijski prizor. Zaledjeno jezero, ogoljela stabla i visoki, zeleni borovi. Na sjevernoj strani koprena zelene, guste mahovine. U zraku miris vlaznog tla koji se prisuljao u godovima donesenih cjepanica i opojni miris crnog caja. Bakine bijele zavijese, donesene u mirazu, ponosno stoje i kroz cipkane zavrsetke, poput paukove mreze hvataju poslijednje sunceve zrake.
Through the window almost Narnian scene. Frozen lakes, barren trees and tall green pines. On the northern side - veil of green, thick moss. In the air, the smell of moist soil that entered hidden into tree rings and the scent of black tea. Grandma's white curtains, brought ​​in dowry, are standing proudly and trough the lacy endings, like a spider net, it looks like a last attempt to catch the rays of sun.


Iako na razlicitim stranama svijeta, u razlicitim kucama i okucnicama, ljudi razlicitih sudbina i ostvarenih zivota streme i cekaju isti osjecaj. Onaj iskonski, uvijek prizeljkivani i uvijek prekratak. Vikend proveden sa unukom. Na vrtnom stolu sakupljeni orasi, i kosara koja ceka. U glavi milion ideja i dzep prepun gumenih bombona.

Although on different sides of the world, in different houses and yards, people of different fates and realized lifes are striving and waiting for the same feeling. The primeval, always desired and always short. Weekend spent with granddaughter. On the garden table, gathered nuts, and baskets that are waiting. On her mind a million ideas and pocket full of gummi bears.

Vrijeme je povratka kuci. Udaranjem o zeleni zvon, ostarijeli cuvar skole dao je znak zavrsetka nastave. Uskoro veseli poklici proparahu uspavani smiraj dana. Danas je petak. Zadnji dan skole. Na vrhovima planine nazire se snjeg. Mozda i zabijeli preko vikenda. 
Omanji djecarac, Tobias, nabrzinu mahne djecacima i uzurbanim korakom pohita preko mosta. Ka bakinoj kuci. Vec je vidio djeda kroz prozor skole, kako hita kuci sa svijezim perecima i malim, bijelim zamotuljkom. Tko zna, mozda je baka ispekla kestene i jabuke i .... Bolje da pozurim, pomisli djecak zadovoljno se smjeseci, zamisljajuci sve igre i nestasluke koje ce sutra on i djed, zajedno, smisliti.
It is time to return home. Hitting the green bell, old school guardian signaled the end of classes. Soon joyful din acclaimes trough sleepy sunset. Today is Friday, last day of school. The tops of the mountains are covered by snow. Maybe over the weekend it's going to snow in the village too.

A small boy, Tobias, waved to his friends. And then started to hurry over the bridge. To grandmother's house. He had seen his grandfather through the school window before, on a way back home with fresh pretzels and a small, white bundle. Who knows, maybe the grandmother baked chestnuts and apples .... You better hurry up, the boy thought smiling happily, imagining all the games and pranks that he will do tomorrow with his grandfather. Just to of them. Together.


Na brazilskim obalama vjetar iz daljine donosi teske oblake. Sve mirisi na kisu, jednu od onih koje donose lose vijesti il bol u kostima. Izgleda kao sudnji dan. Dona Estefania zazvoni srebrnim zvoncem, vrijeme je za caj. Nakon nekoliko trenutaka otvore se vrata i djevojka u ustirkanoj halji unese caj i kukuruzni kolac. Lagano se nasmijesi i necujno izadje pracena skriputavim zvukom starog, drvenog poda. Dona Estefania zatvori oci, pomirise vruci napitak, kao da pokusava upiti sve arome koje su cajevi listici sakupili na putovanju do njenog dnevnog boravka.
Na prozoru teske kapi kise, a u daljini duga. "Mozda se prevarih, mozda je vrijeme za dobre vrijesti!" - prosapuce i zagrize u meku, zutu nutrinu jos toplog kolaca. Odjednom otvore se vrata i u narucje joj dotrci crnokosa djevojcica. Glasni poljubac i veseli smijeh. Dobro je, Eva je stigla na vikend.
On the Brazilian shore wind is bringing heavy clouds. Everything smells on rain, one of those that come together with a bad news or pain in the bones. It looks like a judgment day. With a little silver bell, Dona Estefania announces, it is a tea time. After some moments young lady in starched white dress brings tea and corn cake. A glimpse of a smile and followed by a sound of old wooden floor, she is gone. Dona Estefania closed her eyes and smells the hot drink. Almost like she was trying to absorb all the aromas that little tea leaves gathered on the travel from Indian fields to her living room.
At the window, heavy drops of rain, in the distance a rainbow is inking. "Maybe I was wrong after all, maybe good news are coming." - she whispered and bits into the soft, still warm cake.
Suddenly, someone opened a door and small girl came into her arms. Loud kiss and joyful laugh. Everything is good, Eva came for a weekend.

 Za braziski kolac od kukuruznog brasna - Bolo de fuba - biti ce vam potrebno:
For Brazilian corn bread cake - Bolo de Fuba - you will need:

* salica - 200ml

3 veca jaja
1 salica mlijeka
1 salica fino mljevenog kukuruznog brasna
1 salica psenicnog brasna
1 salica ulja (koristila sam samo 2/3)
1 1/2 salica secera
1 jusna zlica praska za pecivo
2 jusne zlice ribanog sira ili ribanog kokosa - po zelji
Od bjelanjaka napraviti snjeg i polako dodati secer. Nakon toga dodati zutanjke i polako promjesati. Uliti mlijeko i ulje, promjesati, te spatulom lagano primjesati kukuruzno i psenicno brasno. Na kraju dodati prasak za pecivo i sir/kokos. Preliti smjesu u namascenu i pobrasnjenu (kukuruznim brasnom) formu za kolace. Staviti u predhodno zagrijanu pecnicu na 180C oko 40-50 minuta ovisno i pecnici.
Fubá - je fino mljeveno kukuruzno brasno. Nazalost, ne znam koliko je fino mljeveno kukuruzno brasno u Hr, stoga, ono kupite ono najfinije, te ga jos malo sameljite u mikseru za kavu il sl.

* cup - 200ml

3 larger eggs
1 cup milk
1 cup finely ground corn flour
1 cup wheat flour
1 cup oil (I used only 2/3)
1 1/2 cups sugar
1 tablespoon baking powder
2 tablespoons of grated cheese or grated coconut - to taste

Separate the eggs. With hand or electric beater, beat the egg whites to soft peak stage. Add the sugar and continue to beat. While beating add the egg yolks one at a time, followed by the butter and milk, then the flour and cornmeal, a bit at a time. Finally add the baking powder, then beat for one more minute. Add coconut or cheese if u like.
Grease a cake pan with softened butter, then dust with corn flour. Pour the cake batter into the pan, place in a preheated 350 degree oven for 40 to 50 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted into the middle of the cake comes out clean.

Turn out the cake onto a wire grid, and let cool completely. Once cooled, you can sprinkle the top of the cake with powdered sugar, if desired.


Broj komentara: 7:

  1. Sve fotke su krasne, ali fotka vatre je očaravajuća. Recept za kolač je zanimljiv, nisam nikad jela nešto slično.

  2. interesantno, znači ako dodam sir ima slanu notu??!!
    fotke kao uvijek!!

  3. Divno, baš divno. Slike su prekrasne, pravi jesenji post. Za sada je ovdje maglovito i relativno toplo, ali za vikend predviđaju promjenu, čak snijeg. Ne veselim se. Kolač je savršen, takve volim, a posebno me privlači kombinacija sa sirom. Pinam.

  4. Prava jesen je došla k tebi.Divno čitam oavaj post u petak meni odličan uvod za vikend.

  5. Ti si čarobnica i prosipaš zlaćani prah svakom riječi, mišlju, djelom...bez daha sam.

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